Fox Valley Paint Easy Marker – Green APWA


(12) Cans / Case Unit 

Superior results, Most Environmentally friendly paint on the market.

– Water Based paint

– 18oz cans

– Dries in less than 10 minutes

– APWA Approved colors for Utility Marking

(12) Cans = (1) Case Unit


Superior results, Most Environmentally friendly paint on the market.

-Environmentally friendly will not harm or damage grass

-Commercial Grade, guaranteed not to clog

-For indoor/outdoor use on asphalt, concrete, pavement, dirt or gravel surfaces

-Environmentally friendly will not harm or damage grass

-Can be used with the Easy Marker Handel or Easy Marker Pistol for best results.

Uses the Fox Valley Marking / Utility Tip for marking.  Allows you to push the nozzle with your finger easily, or for use with a marking wand or marking pistol.



Red Fluorescent ETSR2D 852063007133
Red/Orange Fluorescent ETRO2D 852063007140
Blue Fluorescent ETFB2D 852063007157
Yellow Fluorescent ETFY2D 852063007164
Pink Fluorescent APWA ETRC2D 852063007188
Orange Fluorescent ETHO2D 852063007300
Green Fluorescent ETNG2D 852063007485
Purple Fl / Mauve ETMV2D 852063007553
Blue APWA ETBE2D 852063007324
Green APWA ETGN2D 852063007348
Orange APWA ETOU2D 852063007362
Red APWA ETRU2D 852063007386
Yellow APWA ETYU2D 852063007409
Purple APWA ETPR2D 852063007577
Aluminum ETAM2D 852063007423
Black ETBK2D 852063007430
White ETCW3D 852063007447
Goldenrod ETGD2D 852063007461
Brown ETBN2D 852063007478

Additional information

Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 10.25 in

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